Hills - they are everywhere....you just can't get away from them here at Seoul Foreign School. Well, you know what they say, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" That is exactly what I decided to do this past Saturday afternoon.
I am very blessed to have a gorgeous mountain right behind our school. We hiked up this mountain one morning during orientation at an UNGODLY hour and like I do every morning I am up at that hour, I walk in my sleep. So, as we were hiking together I wasn't really paying attention. Some would even argue that I am directionally challenged anyway so it wouldn't matter if I HAD paid attention and after this weekend, I just might have to concur.
It started off great. The woods and the beginning path is very close to the school, so I at least knew where to start. Along the trail there were a couple of times that I stood scratching my head wondering which direction I should be going, but after some trail and error I realized that I ended up arriving at the same spot on top of the mountain no matter which path I chose. I took some pictures of the skyline and obtained proof that I had hiked that mountain for a second time.
The way down is always a breeze so I turned up my tunes in my Ipod a little louder and just started trekking. I didn't even worry about which way to descend the mountain, because like before, I figured that it didn't matter which path I took, I would still pretty much arrive at the same place. Soo, I am just humming and hiking, treading and trampling, stepping and striding, when all of the sudden I come to the end of the path. All would have been fine, except I am smack dab in the middle of the city, or at least I THINK I am! I look to my right for some sort of familiarity and I see a Welcome Center. Large menacing building that says SEOUL on the outside. Because I wanted to save face and not admit that I am lost, I walk past the "not-so-welcome" set of walls thinking I will start to recognize some landmarks soon. I mean honestly, how far off campus can I be? As I head down another hill I see businesses and houses clamoring for space on the crowded street. I pass an elderly man outside of his store and I nod respectively hoping he can't smell my fear or my misguided sense of direction. I walk as if I know where I am going, my head is high and I say to myself, I am NOT lost. Walking further I still do not recognize anything. I am now getting into the MIDDLE of the city. I see a busy intersection ahead and a plethora of tall buildings. I decide to mingle with the city folk and I ask a kind man, "Yonsei University?" and I point with one hand to the right. He says something completely unintelligible to me and nods his head. Well, I MUST be heading in the right direction, I mean his nod was at least friendly. Walking further down the hill I am now in the HEART of Seoul. I see taxis whizzing by and there are a ton of people out and about....walking...in the city....The only difference between them and me, I was LOST! I am starting to panic just a tad as I am rehearsing my Korean phrases that I have tried to commit to memory. Mind you, I have nothing on me except a backpack filled with water, my Ipod and the keys to my apartment. No WON (Korean money) to get a taxi home and no bus card (which I have found is helpful to have on you AT ALL TIMES)! So, I continue my pace looking for any friendly Korean face that is begging to answer me in English. I pass two college age girls and ask them, "Yon-hi Dong, Yonsei University?" She replies in English, "I am not sure where that is but there is a University over there" and points about two blocks away. I thank them profusely and continue on my way. I begin to hum again and even chuckle at myself for ever thinking I was lost - I wasn't lost, I was just getting more exercise! I come up to the University and my brow furrows as I realize that I don't recognize any of those buildings either. I have walked and ran around Yonsei University a few times so I am becoming more and more familiar with the campus. I inch closer and look at a sign that says, EWHA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY. What? That can't be right! Panic sets in again and I feel the sweat dripping down my back. I take a couple of deep breaths and count to ten as my relaxation tapes would suggest and then I REALLY START TO FREAK OUT! I am LOST, full on LOST and I have NO IDEA where I am! My mind is starting to play tricks on me and I think it is getting darker out, soon to be pitch black, and I may even be lost walking around in the city at NIGHT! I spot a police officer near a stoplight and I don't even care that he is directing traffic at a busy intersection, this is an emergency and I need HELP. I walk up to him on the verge of tears and I hike up my "big girl" britches and I say, "Yonsei University?" Blank look, no response. I say it again slower and louder, "YON...SEI....UNI...VER...SI....TY?" He then replies as if he is annoyed, "Yonsei is near Severance Hospital, and...." I raise my hands up exuberantly and I say, "Severance Hospital? I KNOW THAT PLACE!" I have a big smile on my face as he explains the location is a couple of blocks down to my right. I almost kiss the man and then realize all those culture taboos and decide instead to bow and say, "Kam-sa-nida (thank you in Korean)" I skip away down the streets once again, head held high, smile on my face and grateful that I was FOUND.
Over the weekend I started to think about this experience in relationship to life. It really is ALL about the journey. I am sure there are many others out there that have gotten LOST geographically and maybe even LOST soul-fully. Getting LOST is a part of life. It is a crappy part of life, but it still exists. I am a firm believer in life lessons for every situation. I love to write/blog about the happenings of my middle school students because I believe that even though those TWEEN years are tumultuous, turbulent, muddled, topsy-turvy, mixed-up and messed up, there are life lessons to be learned. So, again, it IS all about the journey. Whether that journey is your next job, dealing with a sick child, learning to master chopsticks (my most recent journey) or even finding your wandering soul, remember it is a process, you WILL get lost. Along the journey, don't be afraid to talk to others, share your experiences, your pain, your joy. You might not understand what others are saying, but keep trying. When you feel you are really lost, remember to breathe deep and count to ten....if that doesn't work, FREAK OUT and CRY (has always been helpful for me)! We might get lost on our way to our destination, but PRESS ON my friend for the journey might be long, but the rewards of being FOUND and coming home leave you with your hands in the air shouting at police officers and wanting to plant kisses on total strangers!
Directionally challenged??? You? Really? Would would say that???
ReplyDeleteI can see every moment of you being lost! Oh, it brings a smile to my face!!! Make sure to carry your bus card from now on, missy!!! Keep writing about these crazy adventures!